Greenlight makes it easy to leave
comments on any website.
Greenlight makes it
easy to leave
comments on any
I don’t need this,
With Greenlight, you
can receive, resolve
and act on comments
With Greenlight, you
can receive, resolve
and act on comments
How does it work?
How does it work?
Download the
Greenlight uses an extension so that
you don’t have to get unnecessarily
creative when the pages you want
to review are behind a login screen
or a company firewall
Visit the URL to
be reviewed
Just navigate to the URL you want
to review and start commenting.
Attach comments to HTML elements
for greater precision
Download the
When you invite your team
members, they will be able to
directly join the conversation. They
will be able to view and reply to your
comments quickly with a ✅, ⏱ or 👍
A central place for
A central place for
Gets feedback from stakeholders
With Greenlight you can easily collate feedback from those who matter on the product version that your users will see.
Works behind a login, behind vpn.
It easily integrates with your workflow, without the need for any code or website iterations
Share securily with team members.
Greenlight makes sure that anything behind a login is protected and your access design and security architecture stay the same
A process you’ll
actually enjoy.
A process you’ll
actually enjoy.
Generate Jira tickets automatically whenever a comment is created. You will get a direct link to the comment along with screenshots.
Create Github issues each time a comment is generated. Whenever it happens, Greenlight gives you a direct link and the necessary screenshots.
Now you will be notified of new comments and replies directly in Slack. All your developers are now just a click away from joining the conversation
Top freelancers and leading
organizations use Greenlight.
Top freelancers and
leading organizations
use Greenlight.
How does website version control work?
Your comments get automatically tagged by resolution. Users on the project can then easily filter all comments by common device resolution.
Can I use this without an extension?
Your comments get automatically tagged by resolution. Users on the project can then easily filter all comments by common device resolution.
Why is this better than usepastel?
Your comments get automatically tagged by resolution. Users on the project can then easily filter all comments by common device resolution.
How can I integrate this with github?
Your comments get automatically tagged by resolution. Users on the project can then easily filter all comments by common device resolution.
How can I integrate this with jira?
Your comments get automatically tagged by resolution. Users on the project can then easily filter all comments by common device resolution.
How do you handle responsive commenting?
Your comments get automatically tagged by resolution. Users on the project can then easily filter all comments by common device resolution.
it’s time spent reviewing.